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Two main forms of Prayer and worship

Forfatterens bilde: L. AvdielL. Avdiel

Oppdatert: 31. juli 2021

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1. Praying to an impersonal “god” (the Universe).

Law of Attraction.


-whatever works (“do what thou wilt”) in order to achieve higher energies/vibrations. You manifest your wishes by vibrating in a frequency according to your desires.

-the more seemingly “exalted” or developed form is that they see the benefit of working together in groups (fraternity) and seek the “common good” for society. So it seems to have a focus on the last 6 commandments of loving your neighbor. - allowed to sin, cheat, lie and have dishonest motives. Allowed to hate one or a few as long as you “love “ the rest. That means unforgiveness and revenge are seen as beneficial if it serve the common good and themselves. Notice that mankind/creation is the one decide here. They see no higher, all powerful personal god that is higher in authority than themselves. Self righteousness. The good deeds are seen as coming from a source within themselves (natural law). Rather than giving the credit and honor to an outside source that will take possession of the inner nature in the sanctification, that happens only by grace through faith. Modern spiritualism leave out both grace and faith. It is hence disgraceful and faithless. Although they claim to believe. But their belief is a counterfeit of the genuine faith in God, which involve faith in the atonement of Christ, faith in the law of God/Christ, His teachings, His standards and measurements, and His way (the one and only). They believe that there is no ultimate truth. They do not walk by the law of Christ, which is the new law and covenant. Read more about the difference between the law of the old and the new covenant here.


- self absorbed, although the new form is presented as selfless and promote love for creation and seeking the common good. But the common good is decided by humans, and not God. They regard those who follow the one truth in Jesus Christ as being “Satanic”; egocentric and selfish. According to the standard and spirit of the world who do not believe in Christ as the only way and truth to salvation, that is how they term it - shallow(er) compared to the deeper truths of God - focus on money (god of mammon). Since it is mostly about energy, money is seen as energy, And achieving riches will elevate the energies/frequencies. This is also regarded as of benefit to creation as a whole. So those who do not pursue riches and money in life, is seen as detrimental for society and the Universe as a whole. So everything is flipped when compared through the lense of true Christianity.

This is salvation or happiness by works in the flesh, and in harmony with the old law and covenant (which is that of a temporal, shallower nature), and not salvation by faith (the unseen, that of everlasting value). Focus on the apparent and the observed, the literal, physical kingdom. (creation). Hence worshipping creation. This is witchcraft of the world according to the bible definition.

2. Praying to a personal God

- energies are of a minor value compared to the development of character.

- involve trials and suffering, and choosing to take the path of the cross, hence choosing to suffer for Christ, if God ask this of us, which will often lead to lower energies. Take a look at the suffering of Jesus Christ who fainted three times on the way to the cross. He even needed help to carry the cross. You must be willing to sacrifice present comfort and temporary “joy”. You know that true joy is of a long lasting nature and not dependent upon higher energies. (While the other side will do everything to judge people as if lower energies equals unhappiness, since higher energies and health is by them the definition of happiness).


- personal and genuine communication with God

(could be public, but must include personal and intimate prayer)

- pure motives

- honest and real/earnest

- repentance of sins

- receive available light

(seek, knock and you will eventually find)


-Love and obedience to

1. God (first)

2. Love for your neighbor as yourself (second)

-Walk by faith, more than sight. This is the law of Christ (the new law, covenant and order).

The example of Nebudchadnezzar who took the honor and glory upon himself, rather than God, for the building process and the results. Prior to his repentance, He represented the king of Babylon. So Babylon will give the credit to themselves or to creation (this could also involve fraternity and working together for the common good), or to a false god, rather than the one true God. Not so much in name, but in content (belief/faith). So they could claim they serve a God, or even Christ, but it could represent a fallen church who by their doctrines have become stagnant, and do not receive available light of today. Hence they become stuck in traditions, just like the pharisees, who claimed to serve the one true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. To be stuck in traditions is to be chained to this earth, because as a logical consequence, by their mind set, they regard god as a small God by limiting him to their finite understanding. God is not finite, or limited, but infinite and everlasting. Hence they make God into a small god, which is in reality the fallen foe, Satan.



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