The difference between a false and a fallen Christ:
- A FALLEN Christ is the true one, fallen. (So, it can only be one).
- A FALSE Christ is a so-called imitation ("pretender"), or one that is in place of the true one. (So it can be plural)
A prophecy in God's word about what will happen especially in the last time:
“Matthew 24:24
King James Version
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
How much power has the false Christ received in these last days? Early 2022 Has the Adversary received power in these last days to both be able to read minds,and to be able to see somewhat into the future?
We know his sciences, technologies, abilities, power and miracles will advance greatly in the latter time.
Rev 13:13.
Think Sananda Jesus, one of the false Christ's who come with similar messages as the true Christ. Yet he differs in important areas and embrace both the left and the right wing philosophies.
He so closely imitate Christ that it is obly by a deep study of the Bible and receiving the advanced 3 Angel's messages, or the loud cry messages thst will maje us able to least for many. Though God expect more and less depending on the light they have received or could have easily obtained.
So when people engage in gangstalking, many think this counterfeit is the true one, based on these godly powers that has previously only been attributed to God, and the true Christ.
Then this Sananda Jesus, perform his satanic trauma based mind control on me, even force, for at least 10 years straight. He kidnaps me, and perform this gigantic satanic witchcraft attack on me in 2018. Very profoundly for many month straight, day and night. He try to make me the scapegoat rather than himself. The antitypical Jon Benet Ramsey who is associated with Baphomet.
Many are controlled by witchcraft, but some also know deliberately what they engage in against me.
Then he continue engaging people in gangstalking, thinking they are doing Christ a service as he "prove" he is God by his abilities.
He then claims I am the antichrist, creating this new, more exalted system of religious faith to deceive the world. That i am able to perform magic, like making the doves call. And other signs. Then he probably says i am a transgender, or have underwent gender surgery since I am a bit broadshouldered and have long skinny legs and have a slightly big skull for a woman. At least when you compare it to Tom, who has only a hint bigger skull than me. As we know he have videos where he claims all celebrities and royal families are transgender.
I am of royal blood. Not sure about reality celebrity? Not sure anymore.
He also tell the world that Christ would not choose someone to carry his message if they are as sick as I have been, and that I use some medication. It is supposedly not in accordance with the SDA health message.
"When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” Luke 12:11-12
So I go through Jacob's trouble, or worse, I am wrestling with an angel of God and then also Satan. Not always sure when I wrestle who.
Then in the middle of being thrown into the hottest oven, after 4 weeks in December when i suffer more severe exhaustion and migraines with activation of virus or bacteria, bleeding from my nose daily. I am also to act normal and cheerful to the 4-5 people who come daily saying hello and ask for my money, my whatsapp number or to send them pictures. Many who are supposed to also undergo Jacob's trouble, which is not to have a family member sick or die. That is tough, but not in the category Jacob's trouble or made the target of all wrath. Yes, right in the middle of the flames. Because we must always be consistent.
I do not see that the true Christ would encourage anyone to deceive or lie and then give them a free ticket to heaven because they participated in the gangstalkning?
How would that be sanctification and salvation from sin?
The only thing that would make some sense is that they have been bribed and deceived into participating. Receiving payment and promised success in this life and/or believing they will be either saved without being sanctified. Believing they can be saved while persecuting someone, unforgiving, lie and deceive. Because they received not the love of the truth and were sent strong delusions so that they should believe the lie. Either that or demons controlling their actions because of an unrepented heart, where they do not understand properly what they are doing.
Thinking they do God a favor as they believe it is the true Christ who ask them to engage in this?
And then people are called out of Babylon, including by the Loud Cry message I have received and proclaimed. But many choose to be stuck? Or have no ability to understand for some reason.
We all know that if Christ was to be laughing now, he would be an Antichrist or a Satan (a great adversary against God and His kingdom and New, higher order). That is the leader of the other side. Think wicker man and Satan who kidnapped me and try to force all sins on me (Antitypical JonBenetRamsey), by fear and force when I undergo severe exhaustion, bad brain inflammation and seizure like states. That is the Satanic happy human Spiritualism side.
The adversary (adversaries) use the Bible, he use Ellen White, he use images of Christ, he use anything. It is Satan who represent what happened in 2018, as God does not represent the methods of "fear and force" to compel the conscience.
If anything throughout the history of this world could be classified as using fear and force to compel the conscience, it was during all those attacks. It was maximum use of fear and force, as brutal and extensive and longlasting, ongoing as it can possibly get.
God allowed it, but He does not represent the Satanic witchcraft attacks still.
Satan did it with the most selfish and malevolent of agenda , while Christ allowed it for good for all creation, including for me.
It is Satan who wants to make me the scapegoat, not God.
If I start to believe that, it would be in clear favour of Satan's agenda, not Christ's.
Then God would truly be evil. So, no, God is not evil, so Christ would not lead me this far only to try to make me the scapegoat now.
After everything I have been through since 2011 in particular. That would be a terrible God that I would never serve. It is not the God I know,it is not the God who has inspired me to write these messages. As if He would have a wicked plan to destroy me and betray me after everything He has built up in me. That would definitely be of Satan, not God. Christ would not suddenly have a black heart. That is always the counterfeit.
It would be as if God would call JonBenet Ramsey for the devil. It is what Satan has tried all along. God and Satan are not the same.
It is,Satan who says there are no victims and that the victims are always,responsible for their misfortune, as if Satan should be excused for all the horror he has put me through. No, that is not what the Bible states.
I have confessed my sins. It is Satan who now try to say that the victim is just as guilty as him who exposed me to all of that. No. That is not according to the Bible and it would portray God as an evil God. Everyone has sinned, I have also confessed all my sins, Satan has not, or else this would have all ended a year or two ago.
If I wrote that, it would not defend, but seriously harm God's character.
While I am guilty of having had the Jezebel spirit in the past, what happened in 2018, when I was told to sit down and shut up or else and do what I was told, was not that time. That would be like accusing JonBenet Ramsey for being a prostitute when she was forced to put on much makeup and bleach her hair and wear skimpy clothes. All that happened due to severe fear and force tactics by Satan himself over a long period of time. Where everyone sermed to join. No, I am definitely not as guilty as Satan and the camp who did all of that. That I expressed also in my article on the abomination of desolation.
That idea would seriously damage God's reputation and character and judgment. It is not in accordance to the word of God,who always state that Satan is the one who has planned all of this since before the fall of mankind.
If genes from Lucifer have been used,it is still not Satan.
God did not plan to harm and destroy me for good or to make me Satan, but to build me from the ashes. Satan hopes to destroy me according to his gruesome agenda.
I have not fallen completely, yet almost due to what happened in 2018.
We are in 2022, everything has happened since then. Time did not freeze in 2018.
Satan is one fallen angel who has never been incarnated.
I am a human being. A humanbeing can be filled with the law and spirit of 666 and 777 more or less in different periods of their lives, but a human being can never become, Satan himself. Katy Perry in the music award show many years ago. She was both like Babylon and a roaring lion. Could symbolize Satan and Babylon. But God and Christ is also like a roaring lion. Think Aslan and the lion of the tribe of Judah ( Revelation). She also acted and was a vocalist in a music video called "Wide Awake" about Trauma based mind control. --- TRIPLE LOOP DECEPTIONS IN THESE LAST DAYS?
"Satan is striving to gain every advantage.... Disguised as an angel of light, he will walk the earth as a wonder-worker. In beautiful language he will present lofty sentiments; good words will be spoken by him and good deeds performed. Christ will be personified. But on one point there will be a marked distinction— Satan will turn the people from the law of God.
Notwithstanding this, so well will he counterfeit righteousness that, if it were possible, he would deceive the very elect. Crowned heads, presidents, rulers in high places, will bow to his false theories.—Fundamentals of Christian Education, 471, 472 (1897).
Remember how I have been used to be able represent both The true witness, the last messenger, the woman in the wilderness, while also Babylon. The Scapegoat.
Remember JonBenet Ramsey was prostituted, but also a decent school girl. Remember HA Angel who gave me that message where JBR represented me and looking like a decent school girl. Remember the heart in my hand.
The vision of JBR, The lighthouse and Tree of life.
Both Satan (GC ch. 36), as if I present "A new and more exalted system of religious faith whiich is pleasing to papists, protestants and worldlings...
- and Christ's servant. (like a Moses of the last days).
It is highly advanced. Remember the doctrines I write are more advanced or broader/deeper in some areas than Ellen White.
So could that mean that the deception of the Crowning Act is almost opposite of what we expected. ???
So Satan or the false Christ's and even false Fathers and angels (remember the quote: "those who stand on what's right, like a needle to a pole, though the Heaven's fall...") seem to almost all do the opposite, to reverse the law of Christ and His new covenant. So Christ seem to become the Man of Sin, rather than a savior. An Antichrist.
