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The last battle will be fought more hidden, undetected, especially to those who have their minds occupied in this world, rather than being apparent and open. Same goes for the spiritual miracles, much of the outpouring of the latter rain, and also the many and final victories won in this battle.
It will in many ways go undetected by the senses and by the standards and measurements of this world, which has largely also crept into the Christian churches. It must be discerned in a higher, spiritual dimension by the aid of the holy spirit of God. This is also the deeper dimension. Call it the Seventh dimension if you will, where the number seven is the numer of completion, the number representing God. Note: This is not in any way the same as the Luciferian/spiritualistic higher dimension that operate on energy levels (chakras etc). I have written more extensively on that in other articles, like “The way of the cross.” on the web-page "Via Veritas Vita". We receive the gift of Spiritual power, which is empowering grace, in the inner being, not physical or mental powers in the sense that often come to mind when people think about powers. At least this happens very rarely and often just in relation to those who receive visions. See for instance Ephesians 3: 16-17. This has to do with traits of character in our deeper nature, our characters, that must be purified gradually into the likeness of Christ. In the deeper, spiritual temple. Not made with human hands, but by the power of the Divine entering humanity and refining it (educate, discipline, being fashioned into by advancing in the Higher, heavenly school). The Outer, physical temple (that also include the physical brain and heart) has a value, but less important compared to the innermost nature. It does not mean we are not to be concerned about the minor, but we must be careful not to shift our focus and attention with emphasis on the smaller and minor things vs the greater and major things of God. The Spirit is for spiritual matters according to the word of God. Food and diet is mostly for the outer physical tent/temple/being. Yet we are to do our best to preserve our physical vessels as well. We are dependent on a brain that can receive knowledge in order for that knowledge to enter our inner soul and eventually becoming a part of our new nature. 1. Timothy 4:7-10
“Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 8 For * physical training is of some value, but
*godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 9 This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.»
2. Corinthians 4:16-18:
“though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.“
Both God and Satan can use your downloaded information (storage) for good or for bad, to advance the government of God, or for the kingdom of Satan. According to the god you presently serve, as by default, no matter who you claim to serve, but who you truly serve in your heart. Not simply shouting a name, but believing in and working for what that name in truth really represents.
Think also in terms of spiritual tumors, depending on where you are at in your path of righteousness. Maybe you have allowed Christ to remove many tumors, but there are usually some left, or one or several can grow back. So in these areas when tested and tried, Satan can still come in, like he did with apostle Peter. Remember again that the sanctification process is a gradual process of education, training and purification in the school of Christ.
Satan can control the elements in nature, as far as God allows. (see the book of Job). See also Matthew 10:28. In addition, Satan will according to Revelation 13:13 receive mighty power in these last days, so as to make fire come down in the sight of men. This is a counterfeit work that seem beneficial on the surface, and also a false holy spirit and its working. Satan had much power to perform damage even back then in the case of Job. Thousands of years later, the present and the close of this earth’s history, He has advanced his sciences, technologies, abilities (spiritualism) and deceptions.
The arch enemy of Christ has even more abilities and powers today than just 100 years back in time. Think of how much increase in knowledge and advancements in science we have had just the last 100 years. He can do just about everything, except to destroy the eternal rock of ages, and the rock formed by the spirit and grace of God inside us. He try to convince people, including Christians, otherwise. Claiming to sit in the temple of God, and convince both Christians and worldlings that he is God, that he is Christ.
So those who refuse to receive light, and stick to their traditions and their immature beliefs in Christ and the truth, could end up deceived. The deceptions will be of such a nature that it will, if possible, even be able to deceive the very elect. (Matthew 24:24) This warning would not be included in the word of God, for no reason.
Satan pretending to be Christ will perform mighty miracles.
“And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.” Rev 13:13. Notice: “In the sight of men”. Because “they walk by sight, not by faith”. (See 2. Corinthians 5:7).
Judging by the apparent. “For they walk by sight, not by faith”. 2. Cor 5:7 “But marvel not: for Satan himself will appear like an angel of light”. (2. Cor 11:14)
These miracles will be literal, physical, mental and also even claim in some instances to be spiritual. But it does not penetrate deep enough. Only the spirit of God and Christ: the Word, which is sharper than any two-edged sword. Who can penetrate and pierce as deep as where the spiritual temple God is built, inside those who walk on the process of sanctification and advance. Satan and the world receive tremendous power by having developed fine-tuned and impressive sciences and abilities for thousands of years. Again Satan was next in authority to Christ, the creator of the Universe.
How Satan is described in the word of God, before his fall:
" You were in Eden, the garden of God. Every kind of precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald. Your mountings and settings were crafted in gold, prepared on the day of your creation. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for I had ordained you. You were on the holy mountain of God; you walked among the fiery stones. From the day you were created you were blameless in your ways—until wickedness was found in you.…" Ezekiel 28:13-15
This represent such miracles that previously only came from God, and not from Baal (Satan and his followers). But we also see in the example with Moses and Aaron confronting Pharaoh, that the magicians of the world (Egyptians) managed to counterfeit many of the apparent miracles of God also back then. As in the story of Elijah. (Read 1. Kings chapter 18 and 19). Note that the majority of Satan's followers do not believe in Satan. They usually believe in themselves, or mankind and creation, and do not give the credit to God, hence they are driven by the spirit of this world, which comes from the prince of this world, Satan. This has even crept into the Christian churches.
To simply switch the priority of the first great commandment of loving God first, with the second great commandment of loving our neighbor as oneself, you by definition serve creation, before the creator.
For we were bought with a high prize. Christ enduring the cross and gaining the victory over Satan in human flesh, for the sake of the sins of humankind. Thus we are called to take up our cross and follow Him. We are to build our house, our temple, upon the solid rock of Ages. He is not cheap, His road is not broad, but still free. Free for everyone if we really seek and knock, and find Him daily. Meaning we are to search for and receive more light, so we do not shut our door, our hearts and minds to the voice of the highest Lord.
Medical science pertaining to the mind:
-Can measure neurotransmitter and brain inflammation. Make claims based on the standards of this world, not after the rudiments of God.Can measure higher and lower energies.
Spiritualism. Energy work. Aura reading. Chakra. Claim to be able to read higher and lower energies and attach their own labels on these various energies and frequencies.
Psychology of the world:
-Use models to diagnose and label (judge) people’s character by human psychology models. These are not even in harmony with the word of God. In fact they contradict the standards and measurements of God in His word. See separate article on this.
The nature of the miracles that will best represent Gods’ miracles in the end of days, are mostly of a deeper, higher nature. Because they are more hidden and not apparent, they will not easily be comprehended (or valued) for those who are worldly minded, or for immature Christians who have not (yet) advanced, and received a fuller measure of the wisdom of Christ and the holy spirit. This higher magic, a fuller measure of the holy spirit by advancing in the sanctification, is also the antidote, in order to be better protected against the magic (witchcraft), which are in fact deceptions, performed by the spirit of this world and its followers.
Notice that it is not only those who actively and willingly practice witchcraft of Satan, knowingly, but all who are of the world, and even those who are still immature Christians, who can then betray others frequently. Especially if they do not advance on their path, while thinking they are doing God a service.
